New Chapter

Created by charlotte 14 years ago
Kayden was our 3rd child! All was ok through out pregnancy until my 36week check up with the midwife. I went to see her on the Fri as i always did. Normal things were done then it was time to listen to Babies heartbeat :0( Except there wasnt one. Our little boy had Died and we had no idea why. I was sent to hospital for a scan where it was confirmed. There arent words to explain how i felt at that moment so i wont even try to. I was then given 2 options, option 1: Go home and wait for labour to start which it would to within 2 weeks or Option 2: Come back Sunday and Deliver. I took option 2. I was given a tablet and told to come back Sunday morning. Labour was induced and Kayden was born sleeping at 7.22pm weighing a healthy 6lb 6oz. He was perfect, absolutely perfect! I wished and wished for him to wake up!